Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Ideal Protein----Three Weeks In

Hi everyone!  So today is three weeks into my journey and guess what.  I gained this week.  WHAT???????  How frustrating is that.  So, let's range my emotions.  Nervously step on scale.....see weight at 205.....shock....anger....ready to give up.  Went to dr at 8 and said I was very flustered.  After talking to her about my diabetes and how it affects everything in my body, I began to calm down. 

I think about this.  A) It's just a number B) It took me a long time to get here and it won't just melt away instantly C) I also remember that diabetes was not a perfect science and it frustrated me for years.  I would do what I was supposed to and boom a high number would show on the meter out of nowhere.  ARGH!  I would fuss, give up, and guess what?  That didn't help.

So, I think I should tackle my journey in the same way.  As an imperfect journey taking the right path forward.  I am not up overall and  that's a good thing.  So I shall continue on and know that I will get where I need to get but stressing and fretting aren't going to help.

Take care and God Bless!

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