Thursday, February 11, 2016

Weight Loss Can be Challenging

I recently hit a plateau in my weight loss.  When I say recent for like a month now.  ARGH  How frustrating is that?  In the past, this would have sent me off the deep end and I would have given up.  But, not this time, not now.  I am a long way down my journey and I'm not looking back.  Instead, I decided to buckle down and make some changes.  I contacted a trainer at my gym.  I am now going to see her twice a week in order to boost up my workouts.  We will also be reviewing my nutrition as this is a struggle for me.  I always thought if I count the calories it shouldn't really matter what I eat.  While this is logical, when I eat junk I am more hungry and often times eat more calories to fill me.  So now, I shall turn my focus to the quality of what I eat on top of the quantity.

They gym just started a 90-day challenge of weight loss or transformation.  It's a contest nationwide to compete for the most weight loss or the best transformation.  There are weekly prizes within the club and a Try It Tuesday every week that gives you a taste of all the club has to offer.  I decided I would join in.  That accountability is great for me.  My husband also signed up.  He is in the contest for weight loss and I signed up for transformation.  While we may not win the final prize, we are in it to make a win for ourselves, not to win a prize. I will let you know of the progress we make and will post my initial pictures shortly.  Until then, take care and God Bless

1 comment:

DiAnna said...

You are killing it! Very proud of you to find options when you hit an obstacle instead of lingering at the plateau. Keep at it! Numbers will show ;).

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