Monday, May 4, 2015

Take joy in the small things and have faith

For the past month or so I have really been struggling through some depression and anxiety.  By nature, I am a worrier.  I often live life in the what if's and the what has been.  However, as Dr Phil would say, how is that working for you.  Well, not so well.  These methods of thinking can really break you down.  So, after seeing my counselor last week we talked about being a little less of a planner and a little more relaxed on things.  WHAT???????  :-)  At any rate, I have taken that to heart and am learning to relinquish some of that control.    Then, as God always places things in your path, I immediately saw this on facebook.  Just a great reminded that I am on the right path.  Love it!


Mom & Pop said...

I wonder where all that worry and anxiety came from? lol I am glad that you share this with your counselor and she has a great way for you to deal with it. It is really hard to stop a learned habit but I hear that it takes at least 21 times doing it to break the habit. So here you go 1....2.................LOL

I know you will make it. I loved the saying. Keep up the good work and we all love you.


Mom & Pop

DiAnna said...

I told you this story about a friend of mine that had something devastating happen to her and when I asked her about it she said that the things she worried about never happened and the thing she never worried about happened. The lesson? You aren't ever really in control so quit wasting time trying to have it. Find the joy in the now and trust that you have what it takes to adjust for whatever life throws at you.

You are a rock star! Keep at it.

Love you,

Digging out of the Dark with Christ

Happy 2024! Many leap into the year with joy as a new beginning has come. But for me, I have been in the depths of a deep depressive Bipol...