Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Weight Loss----Why and How Much

Today I decided to journal/scrapbook my way through my journey.  As you all know, I love to scrapbook and am passionate about documentation.  I have made several pages but will share a few.  My pages are: What tools and Who will Help Me Get me there. Weight loss goals and rewards, How Will I get There, Why Will I get There, and When Will I Get there?

Here is my Why Pages


Here is my Weight Loss Goal/Rewards Page
If I set my mind to lose 5 lbs in a month.....I will reach goal in 1 year.  As my Personal Trainer Friend Says.......YOU GOT THIS GIRL!

1 comment:

DiAnna said...

I really like these pages. You are so talented at visualizing what you want and then building a page around it. You DO have this girl! Keep at it.

Love you

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