Friday, July 1, 2022

What is healthy???

So, today I found out that my younger cousin was just diagnosed with Lymphoma It's a type of Cancer. See, she had breast cancer and kicked its booty and now this. So, upon this, I begin to study myself and my own self care/health. Lately, I have been stuck in a spot, paralyzed of sorts. But, I've been here before. And you know,there's a way out. It's through Faith and baby steps. Each step, one by one brings you closer to goals and a better place in life. So, today, what is healthy? Healthy is a place of contentment and intitionality. Every day, I need to live with intention. Live in a way that I am honoring the vessel on earth I have been given. Live in a way that not only makes others proud, but makes myself proud. And, I got this. So, carry on and live your life with intention. Take care and God Bless!

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