Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Dr Appt and Getting OLD

So, yesterday, I continued an important part of my journey to a healthier me. For years, I battled the ups and downs of diabetes, but have stabilized. So, I need to continue to make myself feel healthier. But, I am struggling with exhaustion and pain when trying to do any level of fitness. So, I reached out and went to my primary care dr yesterday. I don't have labs back yet, but he is please with my progress with diabetes and agrees that it's time to tackle weight and overall health. So, he is screening my vitamins and my hormones....oh the joy of getting old. haha In the meantime, he said magnesium would help with the leg cramps and I will start that tonight. This is just a reminder post that we don't have so stay stagnant and accept how we feel if it's not great. There is always room to improve and change. Thanks for sticking by my side through all the ups and downs. Take care and God Bless!

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