This morning, I was able to see my lifeline, AKA my counselor. When I feel like I am flailing, I make an appointment and stabilization begins to occur. Today we worked on fighting fear with facts. Fear/Anxiety are difficult for me. By nature, I am a worrier. I worry about worry. :-) When I am in a worry state of mind, I begin to struggle with reality. This is partly where I have been for the past week. So here is what I know about myself: I know that I have a process in place that helps me manage my diabetes. I know that healthy eating and exercise are helping me to feel better in many aspects of my day. I know that staying in touch with my support system is a vital part of my success. I also know that taking my medication, monitoring my moods, and depending on my support system are helping me to control my bipolar episodes. See, when I am in worry mode, I feel like I have to reinvent the wheel in all aspects of my life. The truth is, that sometimes, we just need to slow down and get an alignment. By recognizing the facts we are able to combat some of the unknowns. Or if nothing else, we are able to shift our focus to things that may truly need our attention.
So, today.....stay in the know. Don't worry about the unknowns and savor the moment. Take each bite of the cake as though it was the last bite!
Take care and God Bless
Friday, August 28, 2015
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Managing the Madness----The Ups and Downs
Ever feel like you are in a boxing match and never got the invitation. Well, this week, I feel like I am fighting myself and it's been a tough match.
Diabetes: For some reason, my blood sugar decided to be a boomerang this week. I have been high then low, then high again. Lately with all the exercise, I have been having low blood sugars that I am learning to manage. However, this week, with the high it left me feeling pretty crummy.
Then comes the bipolar aspect. Mentally, I just am in a funk. I was in a tough manic episode for about 2-3 weeks. Mania, the interesting side of bipolar to me. When you first launch into an episode, you feel great. All the excess energy balled up, so much you can accomplish. Then for me, it manifests in other unhealthy ways. I become super mom. Did you know that one person can fix the world? Well, apparently you can't. So this week has been a slight downslide for me. I thought, oh I am out of the mania. But, I still have the symptoms of "Mind Twirl" as I have chosen to call it. I have all these great ideas of things to change and ways to do it. But, it's just not possible. And the do all, fix all in me just doesn't like that answer.
Weight: Well, as with the other aspects of my life this week, this too has been a struggle thus far. I only made it to work out one day on Monday. This is frustrating for me in many ways. Exercise for me has become a release. Without it, I think emotionally I am worse. I have, however, been able to maintain my calorie counting for the week and am down 1 pound.
Friends and Support System: Here is the up side of the week. I am so blessed to be surrounded with people who genuinely care about me. I have learned in the past 2 years the importance of being transparent with others. I am a good actress. I have been for years. I have always enjoyed putting on a happy face and playing the game. Here's the problem. You are alone. No one is there to help you because no one knows you need any help. Now, I am not alone. I reach out to my "peeps" and know that I am surrounded by people who don't always agree with my decisions but support me no matter what. People who may not experience the same feelings but are there to help me through them. People who, no matter what, don't think of me as crazy but just as someone who has issues just like everyone else in this world we live in.
Positive Spin:
This post hasn't been the most up beat post I have made. But, you know, I am here for a reason. I feel like this blog is my opportunity to express the truth of my life. I also feel like there are others going through the same thing that I am and if I can help one person learn to be transparent then I have succeeded. So, while I may be in a funk......I see my lifeline counselor tomorrow and know that will help. I am so blessed for everything I have in my life, good and bad. Thanks for listening.
Take care and God Bless
Diabetes: For some reason, my blood sugar decided to be a boomerang this week. I have been high then low, then high again. Lately with all the exercise, I have been having low blood sugars that I am learning to manage. However, this week, with the high it left me feeling pretty crummy.
Then comes the bipolar aspect. Mentally, I just am in a funk. I was in a tough manic episode for about 2-3 weeks. Mania, the interesting side of bipolar to me. When you first launch into an episode, you feel great. All the excess energy balled up, so much you can accomplish. Then for me, it manifests in other unhealthy ways. I become super mom. Did you know that one person can fix the world? Well, apparently you can't. So this week has been a slight downslide for me. I thought, oh I am out of the mania. But, I still have the symptoms of "Mind Twirl" as I have chosen to call it. I have all these great ideas of things to change and ways to do it. But, it's just not possible. And the do all, fix all in me just doesn't like that answer.
Weight: Well, as with the other aspects of my life this week, this too has been a struggle thus far. I only made it to work out one day on Monday. This is frustrating for me in many ways. Exercise for me has become a release. Without it, I think emotionally I am worse. I have, however, been able to maintain my calorie counting for the week and am down 1 pound.
Friends and Support System: Here is the up side of the week. I am so blessed to be surrounded with people who genuinely care about me. I have learned in the past 2 years the importance of being transparent with others. I am a good actress. I have been for years. I have always enjoyed putting on a happy face and playing the game. Here's the problem. You are alone. No one is there to help you because no one knows you need any help. Now, I am not alone. I reach out to my "peeps" and know that I am surrounded by people who don't always agree with my decisions but support me no matter what. People who may not experience the same feelings but are there to help me through them. People who, no matter what, don't think of me as crazy but just as someone who has issues just like everyone else in this world we live in.
Positive Spin:
This post hasn't been the most up beat post I have made. But, you know, I am here for a reason. I feel like this blog is my opportunity to express the truth of my life. I also feel like there are others going through the same thing that I am and if I can help one person learn to be transparent then I have succeeded. So, while I may be in a funk......I see my lifeline counselor tomorrow and know that will help. I am so blessed for everything I have in my life, good and bad. Thanks for listening.
Take care and God Bless
Monday, August 24, 2015
Just Another Manic Monday---well not really
Just a song, I am really not in a manic episode. No one call the authorities! Weigh in Monday is really what it is. So last week I worked out 4 days. I also tracked my calories. So, I marched up to "THE SCALE" with confidence. And SMACK right in the face it went. 197.2. Up again! ARGH
Ok reality's not so bad. What good things did you do last week. You showed up to the gym. You took your medicine. You handled your diabetes. Something was just off.
Time to converse with my personal trainer AKA my sister. :-) Some adjustments I am going to make: Eliminate the 240 calories in milk I was drinking in the mornings. Add a minimum of 1 day of working out on the weekend (Wii, Walking Tape, Resistance Bands)
Complete some goal setting exercises (found at to include various ways to measure progress in this journey.
“A goal properly set is halfway reached.” ~ Zig Ziglar
Additional dates and milestones I'll aim for:
In the meantime, here's a funny I found. We all know who's who. :-)
In the meantime.....Take care and Carry on
Ok reality's not so bad. What good things did you do last week. You showed up to the gym. You took your medicine. You handled your diabetes. Something was just off.
Time to converse with my personal trainer AKA my sister. :-) Some adjustments I am going to make: Eliminate the 240 calories in milk I was drinking in the mornings. Add a minimum of 1 day of working out on the weekend (Wii, Walking Tape, Resistance Bands)
Complete some goal setting exercises (found at to include various ways to measure progress in this journey.
“A goal properly set is halfway reached.” ~ Zig Ziglar
SMART Goal-Setting Worksheet
Step 1: Write down your goal in as few words as possible.
My goal is to: _______________________________________________________________________________
Step 2: Make your goal detailed and SPECIFIC. Answer who/what/where/how/when.
HOW will you reach this goal? List at least 3 action steps you'll take (be specific):
1. _____________________________________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Step 3: Make your goal is MEASUREABLE. Add details, measurements and tracking details.
I will measure/track my goal by using the following numbers or methods:
I will know I've reached my goal when
Step 4: Make your goal ATTAINABLE. What additional resources do you need for success?
Items I need to achieve this goal: _____________________________________________________
How I'll find the time: _______________________________________________________________
Things I need to learn more about: ________________________________________________________
People I can talk to for support: ___________________________________________________________
Step 5: Make your goal RELEVANT. List why you want to reach this goal:
Step 6: Make your goal TIMELY. Put a deadline on your goal and set some benchmarks.
I will reach my goal by (date): ___/___/____.
My halfway measurement will be _____________________ on (date) ___/____/_____.
Additional dates and milestones I'll aim for:
In the meantime, here's a funny I found. We all know who's who. :-)
In the meantime.....Take care and Carry on
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Been awhile since I have posted some new pics. So here they are for your viewing pleasure or dart boards, whichever you prefer.
Journey to a Healthier Me
I know, I's been FOREVER since I have posted. Well, summer hit and chaos began. The kids were super busy with friends for Mackenzie and fishing for Cody. Yes, we have a fisherman among the ranks. Then in July, we had a wedding in Washington DC to attend. After the wedding, the kids stayed out there visiting their grandparents. They came back the day before school started.
Now, school is in full swing. Cody began football practice this week and is anxiously awaiting news about whether he is on JV or Varsity this year. Mackenzie is in choir this year and liking it. In fact, she is going to audition for show choir next week. She has been practicing every night with friends and has high hopes.
As for Neal, he is still working as an electrician and is keeping busy with that.
Now to me.....well I have been going through my own transformation in the past couple of months. I am calling it a journey to a healthier me. See, I weighed in about the beginning of June and was at my highest weight of 209. I had been attempting to lose weight since March with marginal success. So, I thought I will lose weight, that is what I will do. Well, the scale isn't always our friend and doesn't always make me happy. Now, I am on a different journey. A journey of health.
My diabetes has always been a roller coaster for me. In and out of the hospital and just a lot of difficulty. On came the journey.
I began with counting calories with an accountability check-in on Monday with my sister. Results showed slowly. Then plateau city. Not a fun place to visit, I wouldn't recommend it. I then decided to add fitness to the routine. I joined a TEAM Weight Loss class at the gym and went 2-3 times a week. I loved the class. It was a circuit class with little intimidation. But, it was at 6 PM at night. This makes it difficult to maintain family needs so I began to dwindle in class attendance.
Now comes the cool part, I was invited to a work out group here at work. They work out M-Th at 530 AM. WHAT??? You may say. Well, I am an early riser anyways and found myself showing up for work by 6 daily. We began as a small and mighty group of 4. We do Leslie Sansomme walking tapes and Kettle bell workout tapes. Now we are up to 6. Recently we added the Pound Fit workout Tape. This is a fun tape with the use of weighted drum sticks. I also have a Wii at home (Which I haven't used yet :-( Well, here comes the journey part
Through this journey, I have lost a total of 14 pounds. YAY! But with every journey there is a journey downward. This week is it for me. Last week at weigh in time I was up .8 lbs. How could that be? Well while I had worked out 3x last week, I had not logged any of my calories. This week I am on day 4 of working out. I stepped on the scale with confidence only do deflate my balloon with another gain of 1 lb. This devastated me. I thought for sure I was going to show a loss. But, as we all know, there are many different factors that can affect our weight.
Here's the upside of the journey. Every day, I am feeling more energetic. When I began the journey, I was in a size 20W and yesterday I comfortably wore a size 16. These are both wins for me
So, won't you join me on the path? No judging, no discouraging, just a positive place to reflect on the roller coaster. Thanks for listening and keep it up. Together is a better place to be!
Now, school is in full swing. Cody began football practice this week and is anxiously awaiting news about whether he is on JV or Varsity this year. Mackenzie is in choir this year and liking it. In fact, she is going to audition for show choir next week. She has been practicing every night with friends and has high hopes.
As for Neal, he is still working as an electrician and is keeping busy with that.
Now to me.....well I have been going through my own transformation in the past couple of months. I am calling it a journey to a healthier me. See, I weighed in about the beginning of June and was at my highest weight of 209. I had been attempting to lose weight since March with marginal success. So, I thought I will lose weight, that is what I will do. Well, the scale isn't always our friend and doesn't always make me happy. Now, I am on a different journey. A journey of health.
My diabetes has always been a roller coaster for me. In and out of the hospital and just a lot of difficulty. On came the journey.
I began with counting calories with an accountability check-in on Monday with my sister. Results showed slowly. Then plateau city. Not a fun place to visit, I wouldn't recommend it. I then decided to add fitness to the routine. I joined a TEAM Weight Loss class at the gym and went 2-3 times a week. I loved the class. It was a circuit class with little intimidation. But, it was at 6 PM at night. This makes it difficult to maintain family needs so I began to dwindle in class attendance.
Now comes the cool part, I was invited to a work out group here at work. They work out M-Th at 530 AM. WHAT??? You may say. Well, I am an early riser anyways and found myself showing up for work by 6 daily. We began as a small and mighty group of 4. We do Leslie Sansomme walking tapes and Kettle bell workout tapes. Now we are up to 6. Recently we added the Pound Fit workout Tape. This is a fun tape with the use of weighted drum sticks. I also have a Wii at home (Which I haven't used yet :-( Well, here comes the journey part
Through this journey, I have lost a total of 14 pounds. YAY! But with every journey there is a journey downward. This week is it for me. Last week at weigh in time I was up .8 lbs. How could that be? Well while I had worked out 3x last week, I had not logged any of my calories. This week I am on day 4 of working out. I stepped on the scale with confidence only do deflate my balloon with another gain of 1 lb. This devastated me. I thought for sure I was going to show a loss. But, as we all know, there are many different factors that can affect our weight.
Here's the upside of the journey. Every day, I am feeling more energetic. When I began the journey, I was in a size 20W and yesterday I comfortably wore a size 16. These are both wins for me
So, won't you join me on the path? No judging, no discouraging, just a positive place to reflect on the roller coaster. Thanks for listening and keep it up. Together is a better place to be!
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Happy 2024! Many leap into the year with joy as a new beginning has come. But for me, I have been in the depths of a deep depressive Bipol...
Hi all.....I know it's been almost a year since I posted. Well, this year has been really tough for me and I have spent very little tim...
So, yesterday, I continued an important part of my journey to a healthier me. For years, I battled the ups and downs of diabetes, but have ...
“Progress. Just make progress. It’s okay to have setbacks and the need for do-overs. It’s okay to draw a line in the sand and start over aga...