Monday, August 24, 2015

Just Another Manic Monday---well not really

Just a song, I am really not in a manic episode.  No one call the authorities!  Weigh in Monday is really what it is.  So last week I worked out 4 days.  I also tracked my calories.  So, I marched up to "THE SCALE" with confidence.  And SMACK right in the face it went.  197.2.  Up again!  ARGH 

Ok reality's not so bad.  What good things did you do last week.  You showed up to the gym.  You took your medicine. You handled your diabetes.  Something was just off. 

Time to converse with my personal trainer AKA my sister.  :-)  Some adjustments I am going to make:  Eliminate the 240 calories in milk I was drinking in the mornings.  Add a minimum of 1 day of working out on the weekend (Wii, Walking Tape, Resistance Bands) 

Complete some goal setting exercises (found at to include various ways to measure progress in this journey. 

“A goal properly set is halfway reached.” ~ Zig Ziglar
SMART Goal-Setting Worksheet

Step 1: Write down your goal in as few words as possible.
My goal is to: _______________________________________________________________________________
Step 2: Make your goal detailed and SPECIFIC. Answer who/what/where/how/when.


HOW will you reach this goal? List at least 3 action steps you'll take (be specific):

1. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Step 3: Make your goal is MEASUREABLE. Add details, measurements and tracking details.

I will measure/track my goal by using the following numbers or methods:


I will know I've reached my goal when

Step 4: Make your goal ATTAINABLE. What additional resources do you need for success?

Items I need to achieve this goal: _____________________________________________________

How I'll find the time: _______________________________________________________________

Things I need to learn more about: ________________________________________________________

People I can talk to for support: ___________________________________________________________
Step 5: Make your goal RELEVANT. List why you want to reach this goal:

Step 6: Make your goal TIMELY. Put a deadline on your goal and set some benchmarks.

I will reach my goal by (date): ___/___/____.

My halfway measurement will be _____________________ on (date) ___/____/_____.

Additional dates and milestones I'll aim for:

In the meantime, here's a funny I found.  We all know who's who.  :-)

In the meantime.....Take care and Carry on


DiAnna said...

Great blog! It is truly about keeping going instead of letting a moment undo all of the good you are doing. Adjustments needed? Sure. Failure? Far from it. Keep at it! We are all succeeding or failing simultaneously in some ways. The win is to focus on the success and learn from the misses. You've got this!!!!

Mom & Pop said...

Sounds like a good plan to me. We are so proud of what you are doing. Think of all the people who are doing nothing.

You will begin to see the results while you are going day by day. Of course muscles weigh more than fat so don't sweat the up and down. You will see the results when you least expect it.

Keep the faith.

Mom & Pop

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