Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Mania....such an interesting part of Bipolar disorder.  See, mania often masks itself as excess energy.  This weekend I had a 3 day weekend.  These long weekends are great and I was able to spend it with my husband and family.  However, I found my mind racing.  In mania, this excess energy manifests itself in different ways for different people.  For me, it puts me into fix it mode.  During mania, I believe I can do all and fix all and everything will be better.  The funny thing is usually things are ok before I try to attack them.  While everything in life can be adjusted at times and often times bettered.  Everything in life can't be done all at one time.  WHAT????  I know shocking right!  For me, recognition is a huge step.  In the past with my bipolar, it would often times be weeks or months prior to being able to recognize what I call the yellow light symptoms.  Yep, I had blown through the yellow light and was sitting on red.  Now, through the help of counseling and supportive family and friends, I am almost instantly recognizing the symptoms.  So, after recognition is to begin to utilize the tools I have been taught.  Being open with others is a huge part of this.  Mania is often easy to disguise.  Admission for me is a way to allow others to keep a mental check on me.  While I am an adult, manic episodes often lead me down a path of destruction that I don't like to be on.  So, here I am.  Transparent once again.  Manic episode is still around, but I am slowly pulling out through the relaxation techniques I have been taught, the loving support of those around me, and being self aware of my episode.  Thanks once again for being there!


Mom & Pop said...

I feel so proud of you for putting yourself out there. It is really really hard and letting us know what you are going through and how you are handling it. Super super job.


Mom & Pop

DiAnna said...

You handled it well this weekend! Recognition is big, so is forgiveness when you miss some signs. You are doing both very well. Keep it up!

Love you

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