Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Julie's Journeyers

You may be wondering where this name came from.  Every year I try to do the JDRF Diabetes Walk.  A couple of years ago, I had tshirts made that said Julie's Journeyers, walking for our #1.  To me, this represents all those that are on the road with me.  As a diabetic and bipolar, it is vital we surround ourselves with those that care for us unconditionally.  Some days I hit a bump in the road and need a shove to get over it.  Some days, I need someone to celebrate with.  Some days, I need someone to just say it will be ok.  Along this journey, I have really grown as a person and am thankful for each person who has been there.  I am also thankful for God for His unconditional love.  Until next time, journey on!


Mom & Pop said...

Just look as far as you can see behind you and we are all right there. Maybe doing the celebrating, or the shoving but we will be there right there every step of the way.

Mom & Pop

DiAnna said...

I love the shirts! We need to do the walk again this year. It is a great time to come together and celebrate life!!

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