Wednesday, March 18, 2015

A time to reflect, a time to soar

A few months ago, I thought I had "graduated" from counseling.  See, I thought I had learned everything I needed to and no longer needed support.  So, I did well for about a month and realized that it is not a crutch to need help.  The stigma around mental health that society puts on you is sometimes difficult to get over.  I purchased this willow tree angel (My secret addiction)  It is called soar.  I am learning that life isn't about "graduating" it's about growth.  Sometimes growth can't occur without the help of others and the confidence in yourself.  So, if you are dealing with any mental health issues, please reach out for help whether it be counseling, friends, family.  Know that we are not alone and we don't have to "graduate" to grow. 


Mom & Pop said...

Glad that you are really soaring with your well being. Remember that in order to soar you need wind beneath your wings.........we are all your wind Some may be able to only flap a little but every little bit of wind helps...Look at a feather with a little wind....No matter how little, it SOARS SOARS just like you......

Mom & Pop

DiAnna said...

Every person relies on someone. If they aren't, then there is a good chance they are struggling. Asking for help is brave and acting with humility.

I am proud you have come so far to view it as an aid versus an embarrassment!

Love you girl!

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