Thursday, March 12, 2015

Who I Am

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path....Psalm 119:105
I am a Christian
I am a Woman
I am a Mom
I am a Wife
I am a Sibling
I am a Daughter
I am a Diabetic
I am a Bipolar Person
Stating who you are is an interesting thing.  We are all many things in different facets of our lives.  However, life is about not letting these things define you as a person.  For instance, I have diabetes.  However, that will not overtake my sense of who I am inside, it is just a trait that I have as an individual.  Above all of these "definitions" we must remember, we are children of God and he made us just the way we are and loves us just the way we are.  This is often difficult to swallow particularly when we are in a tunnel of darkness.  We all have different "tunnels" that we fight.  The importance of surrounding ourselves with a support system when we are in a tunnel is very important.  For me, I have found that in many places.  Family, Friends, Counseling, but above all in my Faith.  Today, shall begin a new adventure in my life.  Learning to thrive and not survive.  Join me in this journey and let's grow together!

1 comment:

DiAnna said...

I like the idea of thriving not just surviving. Totally your motto!

Love you

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