Friday, March 13, 2015

Striving to Thrive and Not Survive

Ahh.....a bright new day to start anew.  Lately, I have found myself struggling to stay out of the hole.  While I have learned to only fall in still with 2 hands planted on the level ground outside.  I still feel like I am holding on to a slippery opening with the possibilities of falling in.  So, I have found a technique that works for me.  All of us work off a reward system in some way.  We like to feel accomplished and recognize the feelings in ourselves.  When hanging on, I often turn to a checklist quite similar to a sticker chart for kids.  On it, I write all the areas in which I sometimes struggle through.  I pull it out every day and check off "accomplishments" for every thing I have done.  I have various goals and rewards set aside for each duty.  I also have assigned members of my support group to each item.  To me, accountability is huge.  Kinda part of that let's be transparent in all aspects of life.  This has really helped me to stay level on unsteady ground.  I am a very visual person.  So, the more in my face it is, the better I'm going to learn. 

1 comment:

DiAnna said...

I imagine just checking off the chart gets hard on days you are sliding into depression. Love the visualization here!

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