Thursday, March 12, 2015

Being the Wife of His Dreams

HAHAHAHA........dreams.  Well maybe not that far.  But, God created women to stand beside their husbands.  That is why he took the rib from Adam to create a woman suitable for him.  He could've taken any part, but he chose the rib.  Standing beside our spouses can be difficult in times of conflict, particulary when you have children to raise.  My husband and I have been married going on 17 years.  We have faced many tribulations financially, medically, and just as a couple.  Through it all, we have grown as people and as a couple.  I read online an example of ten commandments of marriage for couples.  I found them quite helpful.  It says "Marriage is not a one-time commitment but rather a daily choice to love your spouse the best you can"  A daily choice.  How true that is.  You must wake up each day striving to be the best you can.  We may fall, but this is not a failure. This is a learning experience and an opportunity for growth.  Here are the 10 commandments they listed for a strong marriage.  Thou shalt show respect.  Thou shalt be affectionate.  Thou shalt communicate.  Though shalt forgive.  Thou shalt be kind.  Thou shalt be appreciative.  Thou shalt be loyal.  Thou shalt find balance.  Thou shalt be honest.  Thou shalt make decisions together.  Now, take a moment to soak that in.  How are we doing as spouses?  I know for me each of these can be a struggle at times.  Just remember, 2 is better than 1 and marriage is not 50/50 it is 100/100 all the time.  Take Care.

1 comment:

DiAnna said...

Hey good to see Neal in a pic!! Marriage is harder than anything and easier too. Meaning, we can fall into easy traps of complacency and then need to be woke up. I like the choice daily to commit again. Only then does it mean you still care and love that person as much as you did yesterday.

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