Monday, March 16, 2015

Recent Discovery

Had a rough weekend with my diabetes.  I decided to go on a honeymoon period.  See, sometimes when you are feeling so good, you go on strike against the illness. 

Well, surprise!  I discovered I am STILL a diabetic.  Amazing how terrible you feel when you aren't on track. 

Otherwise I had a good weekend.  Took down my snowmen decorations and decorated for Easter.  I love the holidays.  They make me smile every time I change everything out.  Also, had some time to clean out my flower beds.  To much dismay, my sister has convinced me that it will be a good hobby.  lol  Surprisingly I kind of enjoyed the physicality and being outside in the beautiful weather.

So, today is a fresh start.  I have emailed my accountability partner for my diabetes.  I am earning my check marks today and am already feeling much more alive.  Woot Woot!


Mom & Pop said...

I am glad that you are able to realize what is good for you and what is not. I know you love the holidays..

Also I am glad you like the flower bed clean up. It is surprising what something once thought as work can turn into something fun. Think of all the possibilities.

Keep the faith as I know you will. You know we are a call away.


Mom & Pop

DiAnna said...

Flowers rock! Just saying.

Your sis :)

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