Thursday, September 10, 2015

Happy Birthday Mackenzie!

Today marks another year of life for my precious Mackenzie.  While conflict is inevitable in a parent child relationship, I couldn't ask for a better daughter.  She has blessed my life in many ways through her laugh, her smile, and even her sassiness.  Every day is a learning opportunity being a mom and I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for our relationship as we continue to get older.  Here is the baby album I made for Mackenzie.  Enjoy and see you next time!



Mom & Pop said...

She is indeed a great girl even when she is showing her sassafrass....LOL We certainly love her and Cody also.

Glad you reconnected with a former church member and are getting together to form your own little group. Jen is a true friend and glad you still see each other.

We are so proud of you and the faith you are following.


Mom & Pop

DiAnna said...

I love these pictures so much! I have a lot of great memories with Mackenzie that make me smile. Plus, she loves coffee so what more could an aunt ask for??? Love her...

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