The path to personal peace......if only that was all it was. A path to follow to sit down at the end and go AHHHHH.....I've arrived. Well, it kind of is that simple in a metaphoric way. We are placed on this earth for a purpose, but this is not our final home. We are destined for much more.
Personal peace:
There are 3 sources of tension for humans: When circumstances are uncontrollable, when people are unchangeable, and when problems are unexplainable. We all want to live in a world where we can grab hold of the horns and make things move! Well, I am slowly learning that everything doesn't happen in my time in the way I want it to be always. Why? Because I am not in control....Only God knows the path he has for us and we must listen to his ways
3 ways that we can guide ourselves on the right path. Accept what cannot be changed, Trust in God's loving care, and Surrender to God's loving control.
Aren't you tired of being at war with God through Worry, Guilt, Bitterness, Anger, Depression, and Despair? God is much more interested in the positive characteristics then he is our comfort. By that I mean, there are times in life when I feel completely cheated out of something good, something that I felt was right. There are times when I am faced with a crisis that I just don't think is fair. How can God be behind all of this. Well, we are sometimes faced with discomfort in order to test out faith or teach us a lesson. Sometimes, we may be faced with this lesson in order to help others or ourselves in a future battle.
There is good news though. There are 3 sources of hope that we can cling onto. His presence is watching over me. His purpose is working in me. His place is waiting for me. These 3 truths could revolutionize the way I think. To know that He is always there with me through good times, bad times, everything. Hmmm.....sounds like wedding vows. lol. But, you get the point.
An interesting thought to finish today up. Sometimes I wonder when I have prayed during times of strife or when I am struggling why I don't hear/feel an immediate response from God. We must remember......the teacher is always quiet during a test!
Take care and God Bless
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This is very true. I recently had a challenge that tested my faith but, in the end, letting go made me feel more in control because I knew I was truly listening versus leading. It has changed the way I live now and I think it is really your message here. Love that you are working through this in a way that helps others. Love you!
I agree lots of times we think we are on our own a God is not listening but he does all in his own time. I sometimes feel like I have a heavy weight for different people and I know in my heart that I have to just pray for them and let God have his way. It is not easy to do but faith always wins out.
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