Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Before----After a Few Pounds

Well......the good, the bad, the ugly.  That is what this transparent blog is about.  As promised, my husband finally took a couple of before shots for my health transformation.  While I am not pleased, I am still proud of where I have come from and can't wait to see the transformation continue.  Sometimes we just need a reminder of the work we still have and another reminder that you are making progress even if the numbers on the scale don't always show.  So, with much dismay.....tah dah.  This is me:

1 comment:

DiAnna said...

Wow! That is what courage looks like. Few of us would do what you did and is one of the reasons I am so proud of you! Yes, you still have more of your journey to go but I know where you were before and you have made fabulous improvements. 3 months ago you couldn't dream of working out. Now, you are doing it 5-7 times a week. You are changing your life in such a positive and inspiring way. I can't wait to see where you will be in a few months. Congrats. You are one of the bravest people I know and your transparency is inspiring. I love you and am in the fight with you until we both win!!!!

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