Monday, March 23, 2015

A new journey begins

Today I stepped on the scale as I do every Monday only to find that I weigh more today than I ever have.  After feeling defeated, I decided to quit beating myself up and see it as a new journey I have been given the opportunity to take.  I packed all my food today and am proud of that.  What gets me is the mental game that you play with yourself.  While you know you aren't hungry, your mind still leads you down that path.  So, as I begin this new journey, I shall take the opportunity to thank God for giving me another day to live and prosper.  I shall look as it as an opportunity to take care of the vessel He has provided me with.  Thanks for all the support in advance and journey with me, we can all go down the correct path. 


Mom & Pop said...

I love this. Change comes slowly and sometimes it just a look at something or a different change of mind. Glad you are still finding your way and still soaring.


Mom & Pop

DiAnna said...

You are hot getting that you only know how much you weigh because you have stuck to our Monday accountability check. That is a big step! Be proud of that.

And I know you will do this too. Together we can!

Love you

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