Well......the good, the bad, the ugly. That is what this transparent blog is about. As promised, my husband finally took a couple of before shots for my health transformation. While I am not pleased, I am still proud of where I have come from and can't wait to see the transformation continue. Sometimes we just need a reminder of the work we still have and another reminder that you are making progress even if the numbers on the scale don't always show. So, with much dismay.....tah dah. This is me:
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Monday Motivators
OK....well it's Tuesday. BUT.....I had to give an update on my health transformation journey. So I had a few weeks of either stable or gain weight loss. Finally, two weeks in a row I have lost. I am now down to 195.2 and seeing 194 around the corner. Yesterday, I did my first 2 a day workout. I did a 40 minute fat burning power walk dvd and then did a circuit training class at the gym. I was exhausted and sore, but at the same time felt proud. I also ran 5 minutes during the class. I haven't ran in years, well never! :-)
I also wanted to thank my sister and mom for the continued support and motivation. We have joined our own little support group called the Monday Motivators. It's an accountability group full of positive support. No matter the number, we check in with our results from the previous week and let each other know of successes and frustrations.
So for today....I shall check out. Take care and God bless!
I also wanted to thank my sister and mom for the continued support and motivation. We have joined our own little support group called the Monday Motivators. It's an accountability group full of positive support. No matter the number, we check in with our results from the previous week and let each other know of successes and frustrations.
So for today....I shall check out. Take care and God bless!
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Happy Birthday Mackenzie!
Today marks another year of life for my precious Mackenzie. While conflict is inevitable in a parent child relationship, I couldn't ask for a better daughter. She has blessed my life in many ways through her laugh, her smile, and even her sassiness. Every day is a learning opportunity being a mom and I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for our relationship as we continue to get older. Here is the baby album I made for Mackenzie. Enjoy and see you next time!
Why does it matter what I believe?
Short week this week so I am late getting this post. This labor day weekend was a good one. We didn't do much as Mackenzie is out with a hurt knee. Cody was at Mahoney State Park with a friend of his fishing, riding horses, and just having fun.
I did get to spend Monday scrapping. YAY! I invited over Jen and a friend from my old church Connie. As I continue to grow in my journey of faith, I realize how nice it is to be blessed with Christian friends. While we were together to scrapbook, it became a time of fellowship. A time to reflect on our belief system. In fact, we decided we are going to form a small group Bible study out of my house based on the 40 days of purpose that I have been reading. We are planning on meeting at least once a month but hopefully twice. Amazing how God works and brings us together.
We were talking about Jen and I's friendship that we have known each other since high school. As adults, we have been able to learn about each other in many different facets. We have been going through the Total Money Makeover with Dave Ramsey (Still a work in progress) We have scrapbooked about our trips, our families, and our friends. And now, we are going to begin another new journey as we learn God's purpose. I can't wait to begin and bond even more with Jen and Connie than I already have.
In the meantime, here is a summary of my lesson today about our worldview.....the beliefs we build our life on
There are 7 popular worldviews. They are as follows:
Materialism-The one with the most toys wins
Individualism-I've got to think of me first
Hedonism-I do whatever feels good
Pragmatism-I do whatever works for me
Naturalism-God doesn't exist or matter
Humanism-You are your own God
Theism-God made me for his purposes. Theology, Study of God
Why does it matter what I believe? Proverbs 4:23 says Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts. How powerful and true is that. Our minds and beliefs determine our behaviors. Often times, we go with the flow or our feelings. Feelings are driven by the thoughts we have. So, how do we build this thinking muscle? By working it out just like we do our other physical attributes. To strengthen your worldview, there are 4 things we need to do: Learn what is true, Discern what is false, Turn from the world to the word, and Concern yourself with God's agenda.
So, which view are you going to follow? The empty views or those that are supported by God's Word? For me, I shall dive into the Word and find continue to find out what the Lord has in store for me through learning, faithfulness, and commitment.
Until next time, God Bless and Take Care.
I did get to spend Monday scrapping. YAY! I invited over Jen and a friend from my old church Connie. As I continue to grow in my journey of faith, I realize how nice it is to be blessed with Christian friends. While we were together to scrapbook, it became a time of fellowship. A time to reflect on our belief system. In fact, we decided we are going to form a small group Bible study out of my house based on the 40 days of purpose that I have been reading. We are planning on meeting at least once a month but hopefully twice. Amazing how God works and brings us together.
We were talking about Jen and I's friendship that we have known each other since high school. As adults, we have been able to learn about each other in many different facets. We have been going through the Total Money Makeover with Dave Ramsey (Still a work in progress) We have scrapbooked about our trips, our families, and our friends. And now, we are going to begin another new journey as we learn God's purpose. I can't wait to begin and bond even more with Jen and Connie than I already have.
In the meantime, here is a summary of my lesson today about our worldview.....the beliefs we build our life on
There are 7 popular worldviews. They are as follows:
Materialism-The one with the most toys wins
Individualism-I've got to think of me first
Hedonism-I do whatever feels good
Pragmatism-I do whatever works for me
Naturalism-God doesn't exist or matter
Humanism-You are your own God
Theism-God made me for his purposes. Theology, Study of God
Why does it matter what I believe? Proverbs 4:23 says Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts. How powerful and true is that. Our minds and beliefs determine our behaviors. Often times, we go with the flow or our feelings. Feelings are driven by the thoughts we have. So, how do we build this thinking muscle? By working it out just like we do our other physical attributes. To strengthen your worldview, there are 4 things we need to do: Learn what is true, Discern what is false, Turn from the world to the word, and Concern yourself with God's agenda.
So, which view are you going to follow? The empty views or those that are supported by God's Word? For me, I shall dive into the Word and find continue to find out what the Lord has in store for me through learning, faithfulness, and commitment.
Until next time, God Bless and Take Care.
Friday, September 4, 2015
Personal Peace---Following God in the Quiet Times
The path to personal peace......if only that was all it was. A path to follow to sit down at the end and go AHHHHH.....I've arrived. Well, it kind of is that simple in a metaphoric way. We are placed on this earth for a purpose, but this is not our final home. We are destined for much more.
Personal peace:
There are 3 sources of tension for humans: When circumstances are uncontrollable, when people are unchangeable, and when problems are unexplainable. We all want to live in a world where we can grab hold of the horns and make things move! Well, I am slowly learning that everything doesn't happen in my time in the way I want it to be always. Why? Because I am not in control....Only God knows the path he has for us and we must listen to his ways
3 ways that we can guide ourselves on the right path. Accept what cannot be changed, Trust in God's loving care, and Surrender to God's loving control.
Aren't you tired of being at war with God through Worry, Guilt, Bitterness, Anger, Depression, and Despair? God is much more interested in the positive characteristics then he is our comfort. By that I mean, there are times in life when I feel completely cheated out of something good, something that I felt was right. There are times when I am faced with a crisis that I just don't think is fair. How can God be behind all of this. Well, we are sometimes faced with discomfort in order to test out faith or teach us a lesson. Sometimes, we may be faced with this lesson in order to help others or ourselves in a future battle.
There is good news though. There are 3 sources of hope that we can cling onto. His presence is watching over me. His purpose is working in me. His place is waiting for me. These 3 truths could revolutionize the way I think. To know that He is always there with me through good times, bad times, everything. Hmmm.....sounds like wedding vows. lol. But, you get the point.
An interesting thought to finish today up. Sometimes I wonder when I have prayed during times of strife or when I am struggling why I don't hear/feel an immediate response from God. We must remember......the teacher is always quiet during a test!
Take care and God Bless
Personal peace:
There are 3 sources of tension for humans: When circumstances are uncontrollable, when people are unchangeable, and when problems are unexplainable. We all want to live in a world where we can grab hold of the horns and make things move! Well, I am slowly learning that everything doesn't happen in my time in the way I want it to be always. Why? Because I am not in control....Only God knows the path he has for us and we must listen to his ways
3 ways that we can guide ourselves on the right path. Accept what cannot be changed, Trust in God's loving care, and Surrender to God's loving control.
Aren't you tired of being at war with God through Worry, Guilt, Bitterness, Anger, Depression, and Despair? God is much more interested in the positive characteristics then he is our comfort. By that I mean, there are times in life when I feel completely cheated out of something good, something that I felt was right. There are times when I am faced with a crisis that I just don't think is fair. How can God be behind all of this. Well, we are sometimes faced with discomfort in order to test out faith or teach us a lesson. Sometimes, we may be faced with this lesson in order to help others or ourselves in a future battle.
There is good news though. There are 3 sources of hope that we can cling onto. His presence is watching over me. His purpose is working in me. His place is waiting for me. These 3 truths could revolutionize the way I think. To know that He is always there with me through good times, bad times, everything. Hmmm.....sounds like wedding vows. lol. But, you get the point.
An interesting thought to finish today up. Sometimes I wonder when I have prayed during times of strife or when I am struggling why I don't hear/feel an immediate response from God. We must remember......the teacher is always quiet during a test!
Take care and God Bless
Thursday, September 3, 2015
What will you do with the rest of your life?
That's right folks.....I'm on the journey again. A few months back I began Rick Warren's Purpose Drive Life. I got sidetracked with summer. Lately, I have been feeling empty spiritually and it's time for Julie to get her mojo back! :-)
So, here is the lesson for today of what God wants me to do with the rest of my life:
1) God wants me to center my life around him. (Love God through Worship)
2) God wants me to connect with other believers (Love each other through Fellowship)
3) God wants me to cultivate spiritual maturity (Grow in God through Discipleship)
4) God wants me to contribute something back (Serve God in Heaven through Service)
5) God wants me to communicate his love (Missions)
All of these areas are opportunities of growth for me. While, I am a spiritual person, I sometimes weave off the path. Today, I recommit to staying on the path, Listening during the quiet times, and learning through my hardships.
Here I will try to post my lesson/thought for the day.
Follow me on my journey as I discover What on Earth Am I Here For? :-)
Take care and God Bless
So, here is the lesson for today of what God wants me to do with the rest of my life:
1) God wants me to center my life around him. (Love God through Worship)
2) God wants me to connect with other believers (Love each other through Fellowship)
3) God wants me to cultivate spiritual maturity (Grow in God through Discipleship)
4) God wants me to contribute something back (Serve God in Heaven through Service)
5) God wants me to communicate his love (Missions)
All of these areas are opportunities of growth for me. While, I am a spiritual person, I sometimes weave off the path. Today, I recommit to staying on the path, Listening during the quiet times, and learning through my hardships.
Here I will try to post my lesson/thought for the day.
Follow me on my journey as I discover What on Earth Am I Here For? :-)
Take care and God Bless
Fit 4 Fun
Just a quick little post today. I missed workout yesterday and therefore missed my before pictures of my workout team. We are going to take another shot at Christmas time to track our progress. Neal is going to take my pictures tonight so I will post my before also. In the meantime here the team is:
Thank goodness for all the support we give each other every day at 5:30 in the morning and throughout our day. So great to feel like others have your back!
Thank goodness for all the support we give each other every day at 5:30 in the morning and throughout our day. So great to feel like others have your back!
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Mind Over Matter
Ahhhh....the cravings. Our bodies are so good at playing mental games with us. For 2 weeks I have been struggling with food. Well, I guess I'm not struggling with it cuz I am eating everything in sight....lol. Reality is though, it's not funny. I can't stand it when you aren't hungry and yet, you have the munchies. Boredom and Depression are triggers for me. Last week, I was on a pretty drastic downslide from my manic episode so it manifests itself in depression. I just couldn't stay on track. Every day I was eating more than my calories allotted. This week, I have been struck with a lack of things to keep my mind occupied. Thus, my mind become occupied on food. While I have made some wise choice on what I eat, I have also made some poor ones. The truth is.....exercise isn't everything. While it helps, the food is a key part of success. Every day is a new start, a new chance at success. Success....hmm....the backwards way we measure that. You are a success if you are making even one step in the right direction. For me, I have a difficult time accepting it. Black and White I am.....All or nothing. But, as my sister says.....did you do something today that you may not have done previously? Then you are succeeding. So, whether it be a monumental thing or a small step in the right direction, we must give ourselves credit for where we have been, where we are, and where we will be tomorrow and forever in the future. So, until next time....I shall live in the moment. Savor every bite of my life and continue to succeed. God Bless and Take Care
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